Nicholas Key
Nicholas Key (you can just call him Key) is an Atlanta-based Illustrator-turned-writer. He has worked on creating art for Defectives and Vitals and other freelance works for novels and games. He can usually be found bouncing erratically between projects and trying to establish an art guild. He strives to embody the term, “indomitable.”
You can find and follow him on IG @artistkeyofficial
Frank Mills
Franklin Mills lives in Atlanta, where he works as a full-time cinematographer and part-time educator. He has written scripts for comics such as The Defectives, Vitals, and Morbid Musings. He has also worked on short films, cartoons, corporate videos, and he coauthored The Chronicles of Aeres TTRGP. He lives with his creative wife and asshole dogs.
You can find and follow Frank on IG @frankspfx